A good boss of PHP developers team
The image of a good boss has been changed during last years. A typical boss from years ago was a person who was screaming on his employees, forcing them to work harder and harder. He wasn't a teammate but a demanding superior man who didn't really understand his workers. Now when we are more aware of variety of soft skills which are most important skills for a boss, relations between bosses and employees are becoming better and work is more pleasant now. This is a huge difference when as a employee you see your boss as a leader of the team, who always has time to listen to you and really tries to help you.
Team spirit is the most important attribute for a boss nowadays. The soft skills like being communicative, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills have to be practiced by bosses every day. A good boss should treat his PHP developers with respect and try to keep the team together. Team where everybody supports each other and together is heading to the common goal.