PHP Developer / Moodle Developer

PHP Moodle Developer
About me I'm PHP developer with 20 years of experience. I've prepared Moodle/Totara custom development for last 12 years. I built my first software when I was 9 years old. Welcome to my site!

Częstochowa, Poland
+48 668 690 844

Project management system

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In 2016 we implemented project management system for international glassworks company. At the moment, the application is working on polish department and within next few months it will be deployed in department in UK .

The system supports project management (Gantt's charts), working time, costs, resources (workers and factories) etc.

Project management system Technologies:
PHP (OOP), Phalcon framework, MySQL, mPDF

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PHP Moodle Developer
I'm offering wide range of development for your Moodle / Totara LMS system. As a Moodle developer I can prepare for you fency dashboards, new blocks, new local plugins, report builder custom sources and other types of plugins. I can extend default Moodle / Totara functionality according to your ideas and needs. Because I have strong experience in general PHP field I can implement an application from scratch using any modern framework like Laravel or Phalcon -- Bartosz Hornik, PHP Moodle developer.